Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino
Advocacy and Counsel with Integrity and Compassion
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Credit Card Debt Collection Defense, Creditor Harassment, Consumer Bankruptcy


If you have been the victim of misrepresentation, consumer fraud, or harassment by creditors, the Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino stands ready to help you put an end to it.  If you are being sued by a creditor you will need representation.  I can bring 20 years of courtroom experience to your defense. It is all too common since the economic downturn began in 2008 for persons, despite doing their best and working hard, to fall hopelessly behind on credit card debt.  This is particularly true if one has lost a job, or has experienced a significant medical condition causing overwhelming hospital bills.  In some cases, the best course of action will be to retain me to defend against these lawsuits, where I have a strong chance to prevail for you, depending on the circumstances. 


Credit Card Collection Lawsuit Defense


I have squared off and won against some of the biggest players in the Credit Card and Collection industry, including Advantage Assets, Apothaker & Associates,Asset Acceptance, CACH, Capital One, FIA Card Services, Gordon & Weinberg, HSBC, LVNV, Midland Funding, Portfolio Recovery, Unifund, Worldwide Asset and others.  Let me put my experience to work for you.

If you have been sued, or are being threatened with suit, don’t contact these companies and give them any information.  Call me first and I can guide you on how to best move forward.  There is no fee for this phone consultation.


Fair Debt Collection Practices

It may be that you are being hounded mercilessly by various “debt buyer” companies seeking to collect from you at all hours and in ways that are unauthorized by law.  There is a good chance that I can get the harassment to stop and recover a damages payment for you at the same time.

Keep track of the calls by date and time, and what they have said to you, your voice mail, or another person that answered the telephone.  Make sure these phone agents tell you for which company they are employed and on whose behalf they are calling.  If you can save your voice mail, do so.  Keep any letters you receive from the debt buyers.  I will go over all of the details with you when you contact the Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino.



Consumer Bankruptcy

If the number of creditors and amount of debt is simply too high, the best course may require consideration of a consumer bankruptcy filing.  If you qualify, you may be able to obtain a full discharge of most debts, excluding student loans, overdue taxes, and other very limited exceptions. I can work with you and prepare a petition in bankruptcy, if your situation warrants it. 

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino to set up an initial consultation, whether by phone or in-person, and the first 30 minutes is free.

Environmental Law:

Whether you live in the city, the suburbs, or in rural areas of Pennsylvania, you are likely to encounter pollution or the threat of pollution.  Although pollution is a fact of life in our industrial society, you have rights.  You needn’t accept the degradation of your air, your land, your groundwater, or your favorite stream without a fight.  If there is open space you enjoy, don’t assume its development is a foregone conclusion.  Development of open land generally requires approval from local and state agencies, and chances are you have rights to participate in meetings, comment periods, and hearings.   Speaking with a knowledgeable attorney early in the process gives you the best chance to impact the outcome.

Call the Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino.  We have 20 years’ experience representing individuals, community groups and non-profits against irresponsible corporations and bad neighbors.   If you are not sure whether your own activities are in compliance with local, state, or federal codes, we can help you get on the right track.
Environmental and land use laws and regulations can be exceedingly complex.  We will assess your problem and analyze what avenues are open to you to protect what you have--or recover for what has already been damaged.

Marcellus Gas:

If you live or own property in some of the regions of PA where the Marcellus Gas industry is operating you may face the stark choice of whether to lease the rights to drill or extract natural gas from beneath your property.  I can assist you to make sure that your lease is protective of your rights and that you receive fair compensation.  If you have already leased, I can assist you to ensure that the lease terms beneficial to you or your property are upheld, or that you re-negotiate a lease in a more favorable way.

If you are concerned about expected new drilling or pipeline activity, I may assist you in ensuring that improper locations for such activities are not selected and that protections in the law are followed in the development and issuance of the company’s permits.

New Marcellus gas operations can also result in considerable air pollution. Consult with me and I may assist you to ensure that any new air pollution is kept to a minimum.


If you have been been hurt in a motor vehicle accident, whether in a car, on a bike or on foot, you may have a claim for damages to your vehicle, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Likewise, if you have fallen as a result of a dangerous or sloppy condition at a business or on a sidewalk, you may also have a claim for pain and suffering as well as lost wages if you miss time from work due to the injuries you suffered.

In the event you do not receive emergency treatment, have yourself examined by a doctor as soon as possible to document your symptoms.  Sometimes it can take a couple of days before you realize that you have been significantly hurt in an accident.  And sometimes what seems like a minor injury can linger, and give you pain for years.  That kind of pain diminishes your quality of life, and if another person is responsible for the accident you are entitled to compensation for enduring it.
Call the Law Office of Michael D. Fiorentino to set up an evaluation of your potential claims, and I will bring my years of experience to assisting you in making a recovery.   You will not owe me a fee unless I recover an award or settlement for you.